Class Pets
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I have had two rabbits in my classroom for two years now. They are officially becoming pets at my house because they take up a lot of time and space in a classroom. Many people think that a bunny can spend their day in a wire cage. Unfortunately, wire cages do not allow a bunny room to hop or stretch high enough on their hind-legs. I kept my bunnies in a large puppy pen enclosure. I also built ledges for them to hop onto. I still felt guilty that they were not able to run freely to get exercise. I used to let them out, but they were too fast to catch and at any time someone could open the classroom door and they'd be gone. Once you have your rabbit in a decent sized enclosure, they should be litter box trained. This has to get emptied everyday so your room doesn't smell like urine. Accidents will happen, and those will need to be swept up as well.

Rabbits are also very skiddish and loud noises and fast movements startle them. A false move from a child can scare the rabbit. En...See More

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