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I read the article about the Newtown shooting and the they are placing the blame on Lanza's mother and the schools for trying to appease Lanza too much. I have to agree that the lack of responsibility might lie with the schools and parents not taking responsibility. I worked in charter schools in AZ with many deeply disturbed children. During IEP meetings parents would try to have the schools take on the challenge of helping these students by providing accommodations and modifications in the hope that this would be the cure all fot these students. The administration, not wanting the provide the money and correct but expensive academic placement for the troubled students, would shift the responsibility to the sped teacher. Many times I had to provide the counseling that the IEP called for. I was not equipped to deliver the support needed. The charter schools and public schools just hoped that the parent would get fed up and pull the student before any serious issues arose. I worked with...See More
Noel On 11/23/14, jasped wrote: > I read the article about the Newtown shooting and the they are placing > the blame on Lanza's mother and the schools for trying to appease > Lanza too much. I have to agree that the lack of responsibility might > lie with the schools and parents not taking responsibility. I worked in > charter schools in ...See More
Jan 18, 2015

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