MT Teachers
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Teaching Jobs on Teachers.Net

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Hi there! Given that my husband is from MT, we would like
to come back to his home! Boy does he miss MT. Can't
blame him. I am a certified teacher of the handicap and
I currently teach biology and chemistry in a private
school in NJ. Any chance of a job opening in the Bozeman
Tchr in Alaska, from MT /blockquote>

I am afraid the chances of teaching in the Bozeman area are
dismal to say the least. I graduated from MSU in 2001 and
could not find any job (even in special education)that was
full-time. Bozeman is a beautiful place and people love to
stay there, they hang on to their jobs FOREVER. I would say
check at ...See More
Jan 1, 2005
mtinnj /blockquote>


Just wanted to hi to your hubby. I'm another Montanan stuck in NJ. From Great Falls,
originally. went to MSU..classes of '83,'88,'95.

Bozeman was always a tough place to get a job even when I was there 20 some years
ago. Set your sight lower. Small towns might be your in, then work your way ...See More
Sep 16, 2006

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