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Contact House members today! This analysis is from the NC School Boards Association: HB 539 passed the Senate tonight by a vote of 25-19. Three amendments were run and one was passed. The successful amendment, run by Sen. Jerry Tillman (R-Randolph), changes the bill in the following ways: (i) no longer would LEAs have to share supplemental property tax revenue with charter schools located outside the taxing jurisdiction; and (ii) change which Fund 8 monies would have to be shared with charter schools. HB 539 would now require the following monies in Fund 8 to be shared:

· All reimbursements except Medicare and Medicaid.

· All indirect costs.

· Federal grants and appropriations unless the federal government specifies which checking account to put the money into (which they never have and never will).

· Gifts and grants unless: (i) given to a specific school; (ii) the donor has stipulated that it should not go to charters; or (iii) it was given, ap...See More

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