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Great article, if it's true:

NC Superintendent Seeking 10 Percent Salary Raise For Teachers By Jeff Tiberii • Jan 27, 2016 June Atkinson is the North Carolina Superintendent of Public Instruction.

State Superintendent June Atkinson is asking lawmakers to consider a 10 percent raise for teachers across the board. Atkinson delivered her proposals to a group of lawmakers Wednesday.

She asked them to consider teacher raises, bonuses for instructors in leadership roles and more money when students exceed growth expectations.

The state superintendent wants legislators to consider an across the board 10-percent raise for teachers. Jeff Tiberii reports from Raleigh.

"I believe that North Carolina needs to be bold. And we are grateful that our economy is becoming better, that the General Assembly has more money with which to deal, perhaps," Atkinson said.

Increasing teacher salaries by that figure would cost about $580 million. ...See More
Wake This was already smacked down today. Not surprised.
Jan 28, 2016
yuck She's posturing for re-election. Big deal. Re-elect NO incumbents! Including DPI!
Jan 29, 2016

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