Katney's Kaboodle
Katney's Kaboodle is a general blog--what the word caboodle conveys: a general collection of blog stuff. I use it to share my interests, travels, and activities, and through it I have met wonderful folks from around the world. One of my interests, more and more since I retired from teaching, has been photography, so you will see a lot of images here, and good ones, if I do say so myself. T-Netters will know me as Kathy/WA.
Yakima Valley Daily Photo
Yakima Valley Daily Photo is one photo a day sharing my local area. It has helped me to remain active in getting out to see what is here and what is happening. Yakima Valley Daily Photo is a member blog of the City Daily Photo group. T-Netters will know me as Kathy/WA.
Ruby Stamper
My blog focuses mainly on papercrafting and rubberstamping. I have been involved in this hobby for nearly 14 years and have had several of my creations published on art magazines. I have been a part of several stamping clubs for a decade. Additionally, I am on a design team for Cricut designing as one of their consultants. I am a member of the Gingerwood board. I also do papercrafting with my students. Sometimes I post ideas on my blog that teachers could use in their classrooms. My name is Donna and I post on http://teachers.net as teacher or anonymous.
Searching for Intelligent Life
Searching for Intelligent Life often profiles persons and subjects that are of interest to me, and may well be interesting to a variety of other folks as well.
Teachers, even those not in classrooms, just keep on teaching and learning.
Peaceful Living
My blog is about Peaceful living and creating a great life.
Freedom to Eat
My weight-loss blog

Share your blog! Whether about teaching, your hobby, or another topic, if your blog is public, send the title, url, its topic or purpose, and your name and we’ll consider including your blog in the Teacher Blogs Showcase!

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