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Dreary, but warmer day in 40's, that was easy on the body walking the granddaughter to school this AM. I didn't even have to wear hat or gloves it felt so comfortable.

Made it to my cycling class and I was able to reach 19 miles! I think that I was able to do that just one other time. There was a lot of "mountain climbing" so I got the extra miles starting five minutes before class and cycling through the entire cool down song. It was a tough class yet very rewarding. I also got my right shoe clipped in my first try this am. Wish I could say the same for my left foot, but I eventually was able to clip it on the pedal.

We are expecting decent temps most of the rest of the week. We even made it to the park once already this week. It feels like spring which I know is just a nature's tease for around here. The six year old saw the news with the ice storm out west and was describing it to me this am. She was concerned to see all the damage.

I am thinkin...See More
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JRod Today was the day! I FORCED myself out of the house and drove to the gym I visited earlier this month. I was given a free pass to use the facility and today I did just that.

My first attempt was a machine that looked like an elliptical. I learned later that it was an adaptive motion trainer. After 8 minutes of struggling to get the hang of...See More
Jan 17, 2017
men to JRod Congratulations on taking your first step back into an active lifestyle! That is terrific that you get to work with a trainer first to get a plan in place. I have wanted my spouse to join me where I work out, but unless that first workout was with a trainer to get a plan, there wouldn't be success over the long term. It's nice to see different opti...See More
Jan 17, 2017
JRod to men This gym is attached to a hospital so they offer many more
options than my previous gym.

I love TRX! My gym has a stand-alone TRX machine on the
floor but also has a class for it. I plan to try the class
at some point. The gym has two pools so it offers a
variety of water classes (aqua zumba, tabata, HIIT are
some that intr...See More
Jan 17, 2017
Kathy I did 5.5 miles on the recumbent bike, but set the tension much higher today. I did another 15 minutes on the recumbent cross trainer, then headed for the pool. It was closed, but the hot tub was open. It is very large and has some depth, so I did some of my PT exercises. I let the jets massage my right knee and calf. Tomorrow I plan on getting in ...See More
Jan 17, 2017
steps I'm doing ok with exercise, but know I could do better.

I've been good about taking my dog to the either the park or walking him around the neighborhood. But he's so slow these days, so I don't get in a brisk walking pace by any means. So, I've taken to keep moving in place when he stops, or walking backwards with him (which slows ME down...See More
Jan 18, 2017

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