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I am completing my 2nd year as a DoD teacher. I have been told I will not be reappointed next year. My most recent evaluation was last month and it (like all previous ones) was spotless. I am being told I am not being invited back because I don't get along with a few other staff members. My evaluations say that I work well with supervisors, students, parents, and staff members. There has been no intervention and really no previous talk of this from my supervisors. There has been nothing in writing presented to me about this.

I understand that for the first 2 years I am not permanent, but can I really be let go for this when all of my critical performance standards are being met?
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teacher Hello, I am really sorry this happened to you. I am just wondering if there were really problems with the few staff members you do not get along with.

What happened there? Why didn't you get along with them? Just wondering because principals don't want to spend time dealing with teacher spats and communication issues and such. That could ...See More
yesterday, 2017
MacQ On 5/05/17, teacher wrote:

> That could really be a deal breaker for some principals if > they think they are going to have to deal with staff drama. > They don't have time for that.

It's not that they don't have the time to deal with it; mostly, they just don't know how to deal with it.
yesterday, 2017
haha It' true that personality conflicts are very difficult for admin to deal with effectively. If adults are having conflicts that are effecting the learning environment (and taking up a lot of the admin's time and energy) then they do sometimes look to remove part of the problem (but not necessarily the cause or the person mainly at fault). Since it i...See More
yesterday, 2017
Bob R/CA On 5/05/17, warmachine7954 wrote:

> Go to the DODD Teachers board on the left side and > post this. It's not showing up there.

The DODD link only shows up in the left if you visit the DODD board. This post was made to the main teacher chatboard, which explains why it's not on the DODD chatboard.

DODD chatboard is li...See More
May 6, 2017
MacQ On 5/05/17, haha wrote:
> This can happen with parent complaints too. The vast
> majority of a teacher's students/parents could be
> very/relatively happy but if a few vocal and/or
> influential parents decide they do not like the teacher
> or feel the teacher does not like their child (or the
> teacher has the ...See More
May 6, 2017

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