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Men, way to go, hanging with the serious ones.

Judy, spring is lovely everywhere, That reservoir is fine factor in your life, isn't it?

Only 2000+ steps yesterday. Habitat did grocery bagging for a local store (we get a portion of the $$ intake for the day). And, I went to "La La Land" at the library's free showing in the afternoon--I really loved that one.

Today I walked with SIL and then DH and I walked a county park. Oh, what a glorious carpet beside the paths. Most Spring Beauty in their delicate lavender with occasional purple phlox and more prevalent white trillium and a precious few pink trillium. Wow! 6591 steps.

judycaret Yes, I do revere the reservoir, Elaine. Too bad I can't post a pic here. I walked it again today and loved listening to my book and enjoying nature.
May 7, 2017
Bev-MI 6,395 steps for me. This week has flown by...we took a road trip across state (Traverse City), did a little shopping and eating! My DS was staying with DM. I did some walking every day with pt workout twice. Weight has inched up and I have to do something different.... With the nicer weather, I will be able to get outside walking in. Today DH and I...See More
May 7, 2017

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