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I interviewed for a position and I really hope it went well.(I think it did?) But is it normal to start a position after the school year starts? Now I am just waiting to hear back. How long does one usually wait after an interview if they are offered and if not offered, do we hear a nice, "Sorry, but we chose someone else..."?
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bondo Rcoach...I received an email from a principal to interview in early March. Interview went well and then nothing...until of course I had already signed a contract in May!! Two days after signing my contract in May the offer came through for a position in Germany. My guess is that they offered the job to someone else and they declined. Can't think of...See More
Sep 1, 2016
koreatchr It is HR who does the actual hiring. Principals conduct the interviews and select who they prefer. However, HR rank orders the candidates based on veterans preference, military spouse preference, etc and will send a tentative offer to the person who scores the highest. Even though it has been 10 days do not give up hope! HR is incredibly backed up....See More
Sep 1, 2016
niknak I interviewed on July 1st and didn't get my offer until July 20th. I too thought my interview went well but as the days went by I had basically given up all hope. Especially since at the time of the interview, the principal told me that offers were being sent out rather quickly this time of year. He even shared that one candidate received their off...See More
Sep 1, 2016
rcoach Oh you all are amazing. Thank you for sharing your experiences. It actually makes me feel so much better knowing that other people have waited and waited and then actually got the offer. I absolutely will keep hope. I appreciate you all! :)
Sep 2, 2016
NCTECHIE Any chance the ET position is in Sasebo? If so, have you had a follow up interview?
Sep 6, 2016

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