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Hi! I'm not sure this scenario really fits in this group, but I'm also not sure where it would fit more appropriately. I'm hoping that those with experience co-teaching may have some ideas we can build from, or modify, for our specific situation. Let me explain...

I teach 1st grade on a team with 5 other teachers. Until now, we each had our own homeroom, but we teach pod-style, so our classes are in the corners of a giant, open pod. I thought I would hate it. I absolutely LOVE it! I've been blessed to have an amazing team, which does make all the difference!

This year, our administration is moving us to the 21st century teaching model. This means we will share all 100+ kids, and will sort of departmentalize, so that we are all teaching at once. For example, where I used to teach my ELA block with a mini-lesson, guided reading, writing and tiered support, that will now be dispersed among five teachers: 2 guided reading, writing, mini-lessons, and tiered support. We wil...See More

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