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I've been working all year to (re)align my curriculum with Common Core. I've been fairly successful based on what I've seen from my kids but I feel like I'm working in a bubble. Everything I find just says "oh, they read more and cite evidence" but that isn't practical. I'd like to know what that actually looks like in other classes.

Even more, I'd like to know how you're assessing this stuff. My team and I are really struggling to figure out how to create CCSS assessments that are useful for our EL and special ed kids. I know my gifted kids can read and analyze but how the heck do I assess that with kids who have other challenges beyond knowing my 10 literacy standards?

I've linked to my Common Core stuff below to give an idea of the inputs we've made. I wish I had something to offer on outputs.
Smart Teacher What am I doing? I am joining with other professional educators and parents who know it is bad policy and pedagogy and fighting it!
Mar 3, 2014
supersubwithmayo On 3/03/14, Smart Teacher wrote: > What am I doing? I am joining with other professional > educators > and parents who know it is bad policy and pedagogy > and fighting > it!

As am I. The more I see it/interact, the more I see Common Core as a disaster.
Nov 14, 2014

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