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The girls in my 4th grade class are just horrible. They are always picking on someone. Many even make threats to others. Does anyone know of a good speaker, assembly, program etc that might get through to these girls.
Leah You may get an idea from the following article. I don't know of a good presenter or program
Apr 7, 2009
Leah There are other articles: "Aggressive Girls" and "Educator's Guild to Bullying" that can be found below. Could your school counselor do some sessions on bullying?
Apr 7, 2009
4th grade again On 4/07/09, 4th grade wrote: > The girls in my 4th grade class are just horrible. They > are always picking on someone. Many even make threats to > others. > Does anyone know of a good speaker, assembly, program etc > that might get through to these girls.

Today these girls had another child on the ground and were taking the...See More
Apr 8, 2009
Leah What does your administrator do or say??? This should not be happening. There needs to be consequences for the bullies - parents need to be called in - children need to be suspended - If nothing happens, the situation will only get worse!

On 4/08/09, 4th grade again wrote: > On 4/07/09, 4th grade wrote: >> The girls in my 4th gra...See More
Apr 9, 2009
EllenG Leah:

I've found a few programs worth using... The Bully Free Zone (founded in the UK) is an excellent program and has helped me prevent many confrontations between students (girls and boys). Another program from Clemson Univ. is Olweus and is pretty thorough -- [link removed].

There have been days when I've trashed my lesson plan...See More
Apr 9, 2009

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