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I'm wondering if any of you have experience with running
centers in both free choice and scheduled formats, which
one did you like better and why?

BTW- by free choice I do mean that they would have to show
they completed all centers in the week, and there would be
people limits in each at a time, but they would decide if
they were in a math, poetry, or vocabulary mood for the

I've always done scheduled (I choose who goes where daily)
in the past, but I'm wondering if I should loosen up a bit
this year. What do you think?
Amy /blockquote>

Marti - I have done centers both ways and honestly it just
depended on the kind of class I had. I have used Free Choice
more often. It gives the kids choices and they also learn to
become independent. Some centers did have activities in
which they had to
show' me something when they finished. Others I di...See More
Jul 1, 2006

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