Special Ed
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Name of Teacher: ____________________ School:_________________ Grade: _____________ Purpose: To assist future teachers with gaining greater understanding and insight into the expectations and responsibilities toward children with Special needs. (Student, please note that in the absence of accurate responses from the teacher you interview, it is your responsibility to get the information from your textbook Ch - 12 or other resources on the education web. 1. What exceptionality do the students have in your classroom? What grade level and what age are they? 2. What needs do the children seem to have that are unique to this group? 3. What modifications do you make in the following areas a) Curriculum materials b) Instructional approach c) Classroom Organization d) Behavior Management e) Assistive Technology? 4. What challenges do you have with the special needs child’s parents? What recommendations do the parent have for you, regarding what you might provide for children who have specia...See More

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