Letters to the Editor...
hiring non-certified people to fill vacant teaching position
In my school district, non-certs have been tried as substitutes, due to the teacher shortage, but not very effectively. I think that hiring non-certified people may look like a good alternative, but instead the focus should be on making the profession more appealing to college age students. Salaries need to be made more on line with other similiar professions, for example, as to yearly raises. States need to appreciate and value talented teachers. This needs to be clear in state budgets. I personally know of 3 students in college who said they really would have enjoyed teaching, but changed because they knew they couldn't support themselves on a teacher salary.
Ann Reimer, annreimer@aol.com,
This month's letters:
Outside recruitment, 12/31/01, by Kay D..
Alternate Route Teachers, 12/31/01, by John Tuepker.
Teacher Shortages: Myth or Reality, 12/29/01, by Austin School Watch.
outside recruitment, 12/28/01, by Sharin Manes.
Non-Certified People, 12/28/01, by Robin.
outside hires, 12/27/01, by al.
Hiring non-certified people, 12/27/01, by Elaine Ossipov.
Hiring non-certified people, 12/27/01, by angela.
Hiring Non-certified people, 12/27/01, by Bill Page.
hiring non-certified people to fill vacant, 12/26/01, by Michele.
hiring non-certified people to fill vacant teaching position, 12/26/01, by Ann Reimer.
College students who want to take Adderol, 12/09/01, by Sue Ekstrom.