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Volume 2 Number 8

Harry & Rosemary Wong say, "Establishing clear and precise classroom procedures and practicing, practicing, practicing them is the same in concept as to why sport teams drill and choirs rehearse." This month the Wongs offer more examples of successful classroom management....
Effective Teaching by Harry & Rosemary Wong
Promoting Learning by Marv Marshall
4 Blocks by Cheryl Sigmon
Ask the School Psychologist by Beth Bruno
Online Classrooms by Leslie Bowman
From Here to There by Ginny Hoover
Busy Educator's Monthly Five (5 Sites for Busy Educators)
Around the Block by Cheryl Ristow
The Do's and Don'ts of Read-Aloud
Teaching Gayle to Read
Thoughts About Giving
Matthew's Sunshine
Reflections following September 11, 2001
Teachers Are 100% Full Time Workers and Even More
Funding the Season
Forms of Expression, Interview with an Artist
Humor from the Classroom
Handy Recipes
Help Wanted - Teaching Jobs
New in the Lesson Bank
Upcoming Ed Conferences
Letters to the Editor
Call For Participation
New Sagan Center
The League Gives Poetic License to Canada's Young Writers
Creativity Workshop: Writing, Drawing, Storytelling, and Personal Memoir
Gazette Home Delivery:

Letters to the Editor...
hiring non-certified people to fill vacant

This is a HUGE mistake!!! Non-certified
people DO NOT have the necessary skills to
teach children. They do not understand
lesson planning, they do not understand
curriculum and how to teach it, they do not
know current educational research, they do
not understand developmentally appropriate
practices, etc, etc, etc! While methods
classes are not always fun, they are
important because they show you HOW to
explain curriculum, how to break it down,
what to expect from different age groups
developmentally, how to assess the learning
and on and on and on!

You would do better to pay teachers a
livable wage, provide decent health care,
treat them as professionals and demand that
parents and students are respectful to
teachers as well. That would attract the
best and brightest students in our colleges.
That's the way to deal with the teacher
shortage, improve test scores and raise


This month's letters:

  • Outside recruitment, 12/31/01, by Kay D..
  • Alternate Route Teachers, 12/31/01, by John Tuepker.
  • Teacher Shortages: Myth or Reality, 12/29/01, by Austin School Watch.
  • outside recruitment, 12/28/01, by Sharin Manes.
  • Non-Certified People, 12/28/01, by Robin.
  • outside hires, 12/27/01, by al.
  • Hiring non-certified people, 12/27/01, by Elaine Ossipov.
  • Hiring non-certified people, 12/27/01, by angela.
  • Hiring Non-certified people, 12/27/01, by Bill Page.
  • hiring non-certified people to fill vacant, 12/26/01, by Michele.
  • hiring non-certified people to fill vacant teaching position, 12/26/01, by Ann Reimer.
  • College students who want to take Adderol, 12/09/01, by Sue Ekstrom.


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