Letters to the Editor...
Alternate Route Teachers
After 14 years of teaching in the classroom, working for school reform, and leading my Union, it is my opinion that alternate route teachers are as good or better than those who came out of the colleges of education. They are apt to approach their jobs more professionally and more likely to use more traditional methods that work better for student achievement. Of course there are many exceptions and in many cases additional training and mentoring might be necessary. The fact is that the colleges of education have produced generations of teachers who are familiar with pedagogy but know little about content knowledge or basic common sense classroom management. Working hand in glove with the colleges of education is the National Board Certifiction process, which rewards those teachers who can recite the pedagogy and at the same time attempts to drive alternate route teachers from the classroom.
John Tuepker, jltuepker@aol.com,
This month's letters:
Outside recruitment, 12/31/01, by Kay D..
Alternate Route Teachers, 12/31/01, by John Tuepker.
Teacher Shortages: Myth or Reality, 12/29/01, by Austin School Watch.
outside recruitment, 12/28/01, by Sharin Manes.
Non-Certified People, 12/28/01, by Robin.
outside hires, 12/27/01, by al.
Hiring non-certified people, 12/27/01, by Elaine Ossipov.
Hiring non-certified people, 12/27/01, by angela.
Hiring Non-certified people, 12/27/01, by Bill Page.
hiring non-certified people to fill vacant, 12/26/01, by Michele.
hiring non-certified people to fill vacant teaching position, 12/26/01, by Ann Reimer.
College students who want to take Adderol, 12/09/01, by Sue Ekstrom.