- The Teacher Is the Difference
Whether students learn a little or a lot; whether they have a good day or bad depends on the teacher.
- Kids Are never NOT Learning
Only nine percent of a kid’s life is spent in school. The rest is spent elsewhere, but they are always learning.
- My Personal Teaching Creed
Beliefs determine actions. My creed serves as an applied part of my beliefs, and as a student “Bill of Rights.”
- Teachers Are Individuals Too
Neither students nor teachers can be standardized in a cookie cutter curriculum; each is an individual.
- Marching To a Different Paradigm
Teachers and students are independent, yet each is responsible and accountable to each other.
- School Learning Occurs in School
Children learn continually on their own but the learning for which school is responsible, occurs in school
- My Reactions to an Incident Reported in the St. Louis Post Dispatch
What they call problems at the inner-city high school are really just symptoms of the problem.
- A Great Model of Differentiation
Learning is individual; kids are different. Here are the elements of differentiation and how it works for all students.
- On Florida’s Flunking Thousands of Third Graders
Children are living the only life they have. Schools should refrain from diminishing their lives by failing them.
- If You Ask the Wrong Question; You Get the Wrong Answer
Teachers should always “question the question before they answer the answer.” It makes a difference.
- Kids Are Always Learning
There are seven categories of learning, which every kid experiences continuously in every class
At-Risk Students are not teaching problems. They are victims of a one-size-fits-all curriculum
- Teacher Self-Reflection
I am the only one who can change me. That is not an easy task, and I don’t like it. But I can do it.
- How to Get Kids to Sit Down, Shut-Up, Pay Attention, and Want to Learn
We know what to do, but schools still struggle with the failed stick and carrot method of discipline.
- Mandating versus Teaching; People versus Products
Kids are not products; they are humans and contrary to policies, they act like humans –that’s the problem.
- Insights, Strategies, and Rules for Parents of At-Risk Kids
Troubled students mean troubled parents; if kids have a good year, parents have a good year. Rule #8 for parents: Don’t support the school, the teacher, or their policies.
- Just Ask the Kids
Getting kids involved in feedback is a way to get cooperation, develop responsibility, and motivate them.
- What I Know about Teaching
At-Risk Students are not teaching problems. They are victims of a one-size-fits-all curriculum
With Joy in Sharing, billpage@bellsouth.net Questions and comments welcome.

Faculty Focus Group Award Goes to At-Risk Students, 2nd Edition
Teaching for the 21st Century a professional development group since 1980
Presented its “Outstanding Contribution Award To: At-Risk Students, 2nd Edition, 2009.
Ms. Bettye Davies, Executive Director announced the award:
At-Risk Students was chosen for its unique contribution to faculties. “Bill Page’s one-of-a-kind book with 31 personal essays and vignettes provides a unique guide to reflecting, individually or collaboratively, on the daily experiences that are the heart of teacher’s lives and the essence of students learning--all students. It is designed for Faculty Focus Groups.”
For Book Information and preview: www.teacherteacher.com
At-Risk Students: Feeling Their Pain, Understanding Their Defensive Ploys - Insights and strategies for kids who can’t, don’t, or won’t learn, try, follow procedures, cooperate, or behave.
At-Risk Student: One whom teachers cannot motivate, interest, control, or teach via traditional techniques. The term “At-Risk” refers to being at risk of failure, but it has come to mean “at-certain” of not being taught.
At-Risk Students is currently in its second printing and will be released January 1st , 2009, 280 pages, $24.95 including P & H, Educational Dynamics Publishers, Nashville, TN, Visit www.TeacherTeacher.com for information, preview, and orders. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Send to billpage@bellsouth.net for quantity discounts for Teacher Study Groups. My favorite article, “Insights and Strategies for Kids Who Can’t, Don’t, or Won’t even try to Learn, Cooperate, or Behave can be read or downloaded free at: www.teacherteacher.com. Also, teachers can sign up there for my free monthly newsletter: At-Risk Student Advocate.

» More Gazette articles...


About Bill Page ...

Bill Page, a farm boy, graduated from a one-room school. He forged a career in the classroom teaching middle school “troublemakers.” For the past 26 years, in addition to his classroom duties, he has taught teachers across the nation to teach the lowest achieving students successfully with his proven premise, “Failure is the choice and fault of schools, not the students.”
Bill Page is a classroom teacher. For 46 years, he has patrolled the halls, responded to the bells, and struggled with innovations. He has had his share of lunchroom duty, bus duty, and playground duty. For the past four years, Bill, who is now in his 50th year as a teacher, is also a full time writer. His book, At-Risk Students is available on Abebooks, Amazon, R.D. Dunn Publishing, and on Bill’s web site: http://www.teacherteacher.com/
In At-Risk Students, Page discusses problems facing failing students, “who can’t, don’t and won’t learn or cooperate.” “The solution,” he states, “is for teachers to recognize and accept student misbehavior as defense mechanisms used to hide embarrassment and incompetence, and to deal with causes rather than symptoms. By entering into a democratic, participatory relationship, where students assume responsibility for their own learning.” Through 30 vignettes, the book helps teachers see failing students through his eyes as a fellow teacher, whose classroom success with at-risk students made him a premier teacher-speaker in school districts across America.

Bill Page Articles on Teachers.Net...
- Parents Are Recruits, Teachers Are Responsible, Kids Are Victims, and Schools Are Culpable For At-Risk Problems (June 2009)
- Teaching Is... (May 2009)
- At Risk Students: Victims of Miseducation and Failure (Apr. 2009)
- Fifty Years of Teaching (Mar. 2009)
- Teacher Study Groups: Taking the “Risk” out of “At-Risk” (Feb. 2009)
- Thoughts on the Use of Failure as a Teaching Technique (Jan. 2009)
- At-Risk Students: A Point of Viewing (Dec. 2008)
- Labels Are For the Jelly Jar (Nov. 2008)
- Curriculum Happens (Oct. 2008)
- Notes And Quotes From My Summer Reading (Sept. 2008)
- Responsibility Equals Participation (Aug. 2008)
- When Is Student Failure The Teacher’s Fault (July 2008)
- A Great Model Of Differentiation (June 2008)
- Two Teachers, Two Philosophies, One Result (May 2008)
- The Silenced Majority (April 2008)
- Your Students Are Watching, Listening, and Learning (Mar 2008)
- Bureaucrat's Field of Dreams: If You Test Them They Will Learn -- A Rousing, Rip-Roaring,Raving Rant (Apr 2003)
- If We Want… (Jan 2003)
- We Get What We Get (Dec 2002)
- A Remarkable Program For At-Risk, Middle Level Students (Dec 2002)
- Teacher Classroom Control Means Student Self-Control (Nov 2002)
- Relational Discipline (Sep 2002)
- Teachers Are Individuals Too (Sep 2002)
- Classroom Rules??? (Aug 2002)
- Learning Your Students' Names: Fun, Fast, Easy and Important (Aug 2002)
- Making 2002-2003 The Best Year Ever (Aug 2002)
- Using The Summer To Improve Your Teaching (July 2002)
- What I Know I Know (July 2002)
- We Have Achieved Education For All...Now We Seek Education for Each (June 2002)
- Improving Classroom Grading Procedures (May 2002)
- Teaching: An Awesome Responsibility (May 2002)
- The Teacher is the Difference (May 2002)
- Take a Seat at the Bottom of the Class (Apr 2002)
- Swinging on the Education Pendulum (Mar 2002)
- Remediation Doesn't Work (Feb 2002)
- Teaching Is... (Jan 2002)
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