Letters to the Editor...
Are we helping to create student burnout?
I do not feel that we are truly creating student burnout. I say this because if we do not prepare our 3rd graders, by making sure that they have the basics, then we will harm them more much than just burning them out. Their success in the upcoming years is very dependent on whether or not they have the basic skills. Without the basics they will not be able to process or comprehend what is going to be taught to them.
Regina Hartsuck, holinessusa@cs.com,
This month's letters:
special education, 2/28/02, by kristen.
Behavior Managemant Tips, 2/20/02, by Lynne Glover.
Violations of Teachers' Constitutional Rights (continued), 2/17/02, by Darlene Goodman.
Violations of Teachers' Constitutional Rights, 2/16/02, by Darlene Goodman.
Certification and Ethics, 2/14/02, by Tom.
Success, 2/13/02, by Shaun Best.
Burnout, 2/10/02, by Dan.
Burnout, 2/08/02, by Terry.
Burnout, 2/08/02, by pl4kids.
Burnout, 2/07/02, by Chloe.
Burnout, 2/06/02, by Jill.
Burnout, 2/06/02, by Staci, MI.
student burnout, 2/06/02, by Karen.
student burnout, 2/06/02, by Sue.
Are we helping to create student burnout?, 2/06/02, by Regina Hartsuck.
Student Burnout, 2/06/02, by Laura.
Are we helping to create student burnout?, 2/05/02, by Mary/PA.