Letters to the Editor...
I also agree!!! It seems that there are so many curriculum standards and not enough time to teach them effectively. The expectations for 4th grade math and social studies make teaching extremely difficult. I know I'm becoming burned out...I try not to pass that on to the kids. But I see many kids that giving up instead of developing a curiosity and enjoyment of learning. That's sad.
This month's letters:
special education, 2/28/02, by kristen.
Behavior Managemant Tips, 2/20/02, by Lynne Glover.
Violations of Teachers' Constitutional Rights (continued), 2/17/02, by Darlene Goodman.
Violations of Teachers' Constitutional Rights, 2/16/02, by Darlene Goodman.
Certification and Ethics, 2/14/02, by Tom.
Success, 2/13/02, by Shaun Best.
Burnout, 2/10/02, by Dan.
Burnout, 2/08/02, by Terry.
Burnout, 2/08/02, by pl4kids.
Burnout, 2/07/02, by Chloe.
Burnout, 2/06/02, by Jill.
Burnout, 2/06/02, by Staci, MI.
student burnout, 2/06/02, by Karen.
student burnout, 2/06/02, by Sue.
Are we helping to create student burnout?, 2/06/02, by Regina Hartsuck.
Student Burnout, 2/06/02, by Laura.
Are we helping to create student burnout?, 2/05/02, by Mary/PA.