Letters to the Editor...
Behavior Managemant Tips
When I was reading the article "Behavior Management Tips" I found myself agreeing with much of what was said. I, however had a very negative reaction to the author's assumption that children only need to have their individual academic needs met. I teach in a classroom with children who are emotionally, behaviorally disturbed. These children also have individual behavioral, social, and emotional needs that need to be met. The consequences are different for different students based on there level of fuctioning in these areas. With schools integrating most students into regular classrooms, all teachers need to be aware of the individual needs of students wether they are academic or behavioral. My own son has a disability in this area and is in a regular second grade classroom. If his individual needs were not being met, I would be just as upset as the parent who has a child with academic needs that aren't being met. Don't get me wrong, I want the teacher to have expectations for his behavior, but thay have to meet his needs. They should be designed to help him grow in his ability and not punish him for his lack of ability in this area. Emotional growth is just as important as academic growth.
Lynne Glover, lglover@beechwood.k12.ky.us,
This month's letters:
special education, 2/28/02, by kristen.
Behavior Managemant Tips, 2/20/02, by Lynne Glover.
Violations of Teachers' Constitutional Rights (continued), 2/17/02, by Darlene Goodman.
Violations of Teachers' Constitutional Rights, 2/16/02, by Darlene Goodman.
Certification and Ethics, 2/14/02, by Tom.
Success, 2/13/02, by Shaun Best.
Burnout, 2/10/02, by Dan.
Burnout, 2/08/02, by Terry.
Burnout, 2/08/02, by pl4kids.
Burnout, 2/07/02, by Chloe.
Burnout, 2/06/02, by Jill.
Burnout, 2/06/02, by Staci, MI.
student burnout, 2/06/02, by Karen.
student burnout, 2/06/02, by Sue.
Are we helping to create student burnout?, 2/06/02, by Regina Hartsuck.
Student Burnout, 2/06/02, by Laura.
Are we helping to create student burnout?, 2/05/02, by Mary/PA.