Letters to the Editor...
special education
I am a special education teacher who works at a Charter School. My children are behavioral, emotional and learning disabled. I have a question in regards to the rights of a teacher, do we have to put with children cursing andswearing at us? Is it against the law to suspend or expel a child with speical needs for whatever reason (emotional, learning, mental retardation, or behavioral) when they come to school doing whatever they want? Children these days know that they technically they cannot be suspended or expelled if they have an IEP and if they are that they can choose wherever they want to go, becuase then it is their present school that is responsible for the transition. Is there a way to change this if it is the case? This is a horrible law, we already do not get paid enough and no matter how much you love your children and are dedicated to your job, there are some things that are just not acceptable. Their behaviors need to be corrected not accepted just because they have a "behavior" problem. Is is common for teachers to feel this way and what ever happen to children being afraid to have their parents called? It is just amazing to me that society accepts these behaviors, and is so strict about the rights of children regarding education! I would love to personally remind these legislatures, and law makers 2 things: 1- without teachers, they would not be employeed (doctors, lawyers etc.. included) and 2-unless one has currently taught in a public school in special education, one should not make any laws for any general state or city--hence, they are not teaching currently or previously. Any advice or help that you have woul dbe great!
kristen, kmom317@aol.com,
This month's letters:
special education, 2/28/02, by kristen.
Behavior Managemant Tips, 2/20/02, by Lynne Glover.
Violations of Teachers' Constitutional Rights (continued), 2/17/02, by Darlene Goodman.
Violations of Teachers' Constitutional Rights, 2/16/02, by Darlene Goodman.
Certification and Ethics, 2/14/02, by Tom.
Success, 2/13/02, by Shaun Best.
Burnout, 2/10/02, by Dan.
Burnout, 2/08/02, by Terry.
Burnout, 2/08/02, by pl4kids.
Burnout, 2/07/02, by Chloe.
Burnout, 2/06/02, by Jill.
Burnout, 2/06/02, by Staci, MI.
student burnout, 2/06/02, by Karen.
student burnout, 2/06/02, by Sue.
Are we helping to create student burnout?, 2/06/02, by Regina Hartsuck.
Student Burnout, 2/06/02, by Laura.
Are we helping to create student burnout?, 2/05/02, by Mary/PA.