The Busy Educator's Monthly Five...
by Marjan Glavac
Each month Marjan Glavac, professional speaker, teacher and author of The Busy Educator's Guide To The World Wide Web 2ND EDITION (Foreword by Dr. Harry Wong author of The First Days Of School) presents The Busy Educator's Monthly Five -- five websites for educators that are easy to read, simple to use and worthwhile to know. Sign up for his monthly free Busy Educator's Newsletter at:
Language Arts Sites - Part 3
Here are five Language Arts sites:
Children's Literature
Links to hundreds of author's websites, teaching materials, themed reviews, Literature Annual Top Choice List, book reviews and more.
Hook students on the craft of mystery reading and writing with lesson plans and ideas from this site. Includes useful sites, examples and discussions.
National Council of Teachers of English
An invaluable resource for grants, awards and the latest news for teachers of English and Language Arts K-12. Go to the toolbar and click on Elementary, Middle, Secondary and College for more resources.
NoodleBib 3.0
NoodleBib is a Web application that allows you to create and edit MLA and APA-style source lists (i.e. MLA Works Cited Lists, APA Reference Lists, etc.) online.
Enchanted Learning Nursery Rhymes
Dozens of rebus nursery rhymes in alphabetical order. Click on the picture for a coloring page and the rhyme. Then print them out for your class. Or have the class color them online. Also instructions for making a nursery rhyme coloring book, a scavenger hunt and information on teaching rhymes in your class.
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Gazette Articles by Marjan Glavac:
- Marilyn Western's Technology Tips For Classroom Teachers, Interactive Activities For French/Spanish/German/Welsh Teachers And Learners, Deafblind Info: Minnesota's Deafblindness Resource, Thinkport (Teachers And Parents), and The Los Angeles County Museum Of Art "Collections Online" (June 09)
- College Prep Physics, Ap Physics B, The Art Window (Gr. 4-12), World History And Geography (Gr. 9-12), and The Thoreau Reader (Teachers) (May 09)
- Iloveschools.Com, Real English Online, Classroom Displays And Bulletin Boards K-8, Pbs Parents: Struggling To Learn (Parents And Teachers), Reach Every Child (K-12) (Apr. 09)
- Ultrabug Cliposcope, World Myths & Legends In Art Minneapolis Institute Of Arts, The Tree: A Graphic Organizer For Expository Paragraphs And Summaries, Trading Around The World, and Where In The World And What In The World Is Money? (Mar. 09)
- The Artist's Toolkit: Visual Elements And Principles, The Fin, Fur And Feather Bureau Of Investigation, Calliope, Muse Of Eloquence, Teachers Without Borders, Shedd Educational Adventures (Sea) John G. Shedd Aquarium (Feb. 09)
- Brainsarefun, Ariel's Homepage, Scott L. Waldman's Technology Workshop, Learn To Write...Free Tracing Paper, Marie's Free Spelling Course (Jan. 09)
- Make hand washing fun & effectiveness; Native American arts exhibit online; The Teacher List; English for Spanish speakers; Test your brain with an online police artist drawing device (Dec. 08)
- Literacy Volunteer Connection, Computer Science & Business Education Site, How Stuff Works, Postcards From America, Monetary Mania Social Studies Web Adventure (Nov. 08)
- www Virtual Library: International Affairs Resources, Biomedia,, Anacleta's Spanish & World Language/Culture Links, Behind The Name (Oct. 08)
- Addressing learning difficulties; Teacher resource; All things Science; Games and writing skills help; Secondary level English lesson plans (Sept. 08)
- Speaking Of Speech.Com, Flying Turtle Science And Technology Exploring, and more (Aug. 08)
- Human Space Flight, Genetic Science Learning Center, and more (July 08)
- web-based Ghost Towns, games, topical tutorials, and more (May 08)
- Writing, Genealogy, Soil, and more (April 08)
- Miscellaneous Sites (Mar. 08)
- Art Sites (Feb. 08)
- Miscellaneous Sites (Jan. 08)
- Back to School Sites (Aug. 03)
- Language Arts Sites Part 3 (July 03)
- Language Arts Sites Part 2 (June 03)
- Language Arts Sites Part 1 (May 03)
- English As a Second Language (ESL) Sites (Apr. 03)
- Art Sites (Mar. 03)
- College and University Sites (Feb. 03)
- Sites for School Principals and High School Teachers (Jan. 03)
- Sites For Grades 7 to 8 (Dec. 02)
- Sites For Grades 4 to 8 (Nov. 02)
- Primary Sites Grades Pre-K to 3 (Oct. 02)
- Primary Sites Grades Pre-K to 3 (Sept. 02)
- Back to School (Aug. 02)
- Sites For Beginning Teachers Part 2 (Jult 02)
- Sites For Beginning Teachers Part 1 (June 02)
- Theme Sites Part 2 (May 02)
- Theme Sites Part 1 (Apr. 02)
- Lesson Planning Sites Part 6 (Mar. 02)
- Lesson Planning Sites Part 5 (Feb. 02)
- Lesson Planning Sites Part 4 (Jan. 02)
- Lesson Planning Sites Part 3 (Dec. 01)
- Five For Lesson Planning (pt 2) (Nov. 01)
- Five For Lesson Planning (Sept. 01)
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