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Volume 4 Number 7
I feel we have to approach education with the determination to affect each and every one of our students. The mentality of achieving "success" after reaching one child isn't enough.
The Essential 55 Rules - Discovering the Successful Student In Every Child...
Applying for a Teaching Job in a Tight Market, Part 2 (June-July) Effective Teaching by Harry & Rosemary Wong
Descartes' Error: I think; therefore, I am Promoting Learning by Marv Marshall
It's Riveting! 4 Blocks by Cheryl Sigmon
This Summer's Coolest Classroom Idea: Cinema Club Postcard from Planet Esme - News from the world of children's books by Esmé Codell
Summer---the Best Time to Reflect, Gain New Ideas, Get Organized and Re-energize! Instant Ideas for Busy Teachers by Barbara Gruber and Sue Gruber
With a Little Help From Your Friends (Putting Reflection to Work) Teachers As Learners by Hal Portner
There's A Book Inside of You! - You Have To Visualize the Big Picture eBook Authoring by Glenn F. Dietzel
Summertime Income -- Ginny's Summer List of 35+ The Eclectic Teacher by Ginny Hoover
Looking for an Electronic Grade Book--Try This Ed-Tech Talk by Dr. Rob Reilly
Language Arts Sites Part 3 The Busy Educator's Monthly Five (5 Sites for Busy Educators) by Marjan Glavac
July Articles
July Regular Features
July Informational Items
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About Marjan Glavac...
Marjan Glavac (BA, BEd, MA) is a professional speaker, teacher and author. He has used computers in education on the very first day he began teaching in 1982. Since that time, he has introduced thousands of students K-University, parents and teachers to computer technology and to the Internet through online courses, websites, classroom lessons, workshops, speeches, articles, computer columns, newsletters and his latest best selling book, The Busy Educator's Guide To The World Wide Web 2ND EDITION (Foreword by Dr. Harry Wong author of The First Days Of School).

Marjan is currently a gr.5 home room teacher at Wilfrid Jury Public School in London, Ontario, Canada where he resides with his wife Maria and their two children, Vanessa and Collin. He can be contacted by e-mail at or through his website at:

Best Sellers

The Busy Educator's Guide To The World Wide Web
by Marjan Glavac

$14.95 from
More information

The Busy Educator's Monthly Five...
by Marjan Glavac
Each month Marjan Glavac, professional speaker, teacher and author of The Busy Educator's Guide To The World Wide Web 2ND EDITION (Foreword by Dr. Harry Wong author of The First Days Of School) presents The Busy Educator's Monthly Five -- five websites for educators that are easy to read, simple to use and worthwhile to know. Sign up for his monthly free Busy Educator's Newsletter at:

Language Arts Sites - Part 3

Here are five Language Arts sites:

Children's Literature

Links to hundreds of author's websites, teaching materials, themed reviews, Literature Annual Top Choice List, book reviews and more.

Hook students on the craft of mystery reading and writing with lesson plans and ideas from this site. Includes useful sites, examples and discussions.

National Council of Teachers of English

An invaluable resource for grants, awards and the latest news for teachers of English and Language Arts K-12. Go to the toolbar and click on Elementary, Middle, Secondary and College for more resources.

NoodleBib 3.0

NoodleBib is a Web application that allows you to create and edit MLA and APA-style source lists (i.e. MLA Works Cited Lists, APA Reference Lists, etc.) online.

Enchanted Learning Nursery Rhymes

Dozens of rebus nursery rhymes in alphabetical order. Click on the picture for a coloring page and the rhyme. Then print them out for your class. Or have the class color them online. Also instructions for making a nursery rhyme coloring book, a scavenger hunt and information on teaching rhymes in your class.

Marjan Glavac's website:

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