Letters to the Editor...
Age Discrimination
Thank you for providing such a fine teaching resource. I am so frustrated for my wife. I am a fully disabled veteran. When I became disabled, my wife grabbed a waitress job, continued to be a wonderful mother and managed to go to school to achieve her life dream of becoming a teacher. Today, she's got a Masters of Education...and no job. During the past three years, she has watched young inexperienced and sometimes unendorsed young teachers get hired off the street wihtout her receiving a single job interview in the largest school district in Idaho and one of the fastest growing in the nation. If ever there were a poster child for age discrimination...she is it. She's 47. Imagine...this is a teacher who is endorsed to teach English, Reading, Journalism and Speech. she has also been a columnist/photojournalist for three newspapers across the country, studied German Language Arts at Marburgh University, is a gifted pianist, band and music teacher, coached a championship softball team and plays competitve golf and tennis. Above all, she has a wealth of optimism and character. She currently teaches for Learning Technic, Inc.but her fervent desire is to be in the classrooom during the day and perhaps helping on the school newspaper, coaching a sport or organizing music programs. I am determined to find a way to help this energetic and multi-talented teacher achieve her dream. Have you ever heard of a case like hers and do you have any recommendations?
Daren Jack, darenjk@aol.com,
This month's letters:
ADD, 3/31/02, by Dennis.
Teaching Reading With Phonics, 3/31/02, by AP.
phonics, 3/27/02, by stewart e brekke.
Teaching reading, 3/25/02, by Sandy Scarborough.
Teaching reading, 3/25/02, by Sandy Scarborough.
Reading Scores, 3/23/02, by Cindy Helms.
Teaching reading, 3/23/02, by Nancy Healy.
teaching reading with phonics, 3/23/02, by Jan Wolfe.
teaching reading with phonics, 3/23/02, by barbara.
Ellen Tebbits by Beverly Cleary , 3/22/02, by Jayne Ameri.
Age Discrimination, 3/20/02, by Daren Jack.
Teaching the saying of words, not reading, with phonics, 3/17/02, by Georgia Hedrick.
publishing, 3/07/02, by stewart e brekke.
Post secondary Education, 3/05/02, by Shanks Seetharam.
Teaching Reading with Phonics, 3/04/02, by Marilyn Rebert.