Letters to the Editor...
Teaching reading
I have to agree that phonics is only one component of reading instruction for kids. I recognize that no two kids learn exactly in the same way, so it's important to try to find out what methods are best for individuals. I use the 4-Block modules because it's an effective program that addresses so many needs. While phonics is certainly a part of this program, the other aspects of reading and language instruction offer alternative ways to teach to the whole class. Also, it seems that in the quest to teach phonics, the area of comprehension is not always adequately considered. The ultimate goal of becoming a good reader is to develop an understanding of what is read in order to gain the most from literary experiences. Students need to be taught reading strategies (chunking, context clues, syntax, picture clues) so that they can be successful. A well-rounded reading program will include a wide variety of teaching strategies.
Sandy Scarborough, smazz_29205@yahoo.com,
This month's letters:
ADD, 3/31/02, by Dennis.
Teaching Reading With Phonics, 3/31/02, by AP.
phonics, 3/27/02, by stewart e brekke.
Teaching reading, 3/25/02, by Sandy Scarborough.
Teaching reading, 3/25/02, by Sandy Scarborough.
Reading Scores, 3/23/02, by Cindy Helms.
Teaching reading, 3/23/02, by Nancy Healy.
teaching reading with phonics, 3/23/02, by Jan Wolfe.
teaching reading with phonics, 3/23/02, by barbara.
Ellen Tebbits by Beverly Cleary , 3/22/02, by Jayne Ameri.
Age Discrimination, 3/20/02, by Daren Jack.
Teaching the saying of words, not reading, with phonics, 3/17/02, by Georgia Hedrick.
publishing, 3/07/02, by stewart e brekke.
Post secondary Education, 3/05/02, by Shanks Seetharam.
Teaching Reading with Phonics, 3/04/02, by Marilyn Rebert.