Letters to the Editor...
teaching reading with phonics
I would like to challenge the thinking of Stewart Brekke and his views on the teaching of reading. I am a New Zealand teacher where our reading philosophy is based on whole language. Our whole language method, according to trs I know who have taught in USA, is between your phonics and whole language. In 2000 the National Education Monitoring Project which reviews reading standards in NZ every 5 years found that the percentage of chn reading above chronological age had risen from 34% to 46% and the percentage of children reading below chronological age had dropped from 20% to 16%. The children are given a range of reading tasks including comprehension, word recognition etc. As an older tr who has used phonics and decodable books through to whole language I would agree with this finding. I can remember the time when you could expect to have up to a quarter of your class needing extra help. Now, it would only be 2 or3 chn needing extra help.These are usually the ones who are transient/truant etc and NO amount of phonics or whole language is going to make them better readers. This upward trend has been evolving over the last 20yrs as trs have become better informed as to HOW chn learn and they now better understand the reading process.I have also done testing in a number of schools for school-wide reviews and the results of those would also confirm that these results are on track. If high school trs are finding the chn cannot read the texts/are sitting there bored and not understanding I suggest they change the text and/or learn how to get the chn into a text with understanding. Texts are usually written for the benefit of the writer/publisher with little thought of what is age appropriate for the kids. It happens here in high schools and I would venture that it is much the same world over.Boring, dreary drills are going to turn kids off even more. That is my penny's worth for the evening. This debate rages here too. Barbara
barbara, bjulian@xtra.co.nz,
This month's letters:
ADD, 3/31/02, by Dennis.
Teaching Reading With Phonics, 3/31/02, by AP.
phonics, 3/27/02, by stewart e brekke.
Teaching reading, 3/25/02, by Sandy Scarborough.
Teaching reading, 3/25/02, by Sandy Scarborough.
Reading Scores, 3/23/02, by Cindy Helms.
Teaching reading, 3/23/02, by Nancy Healy.
teaching reading with phonics, 3/23/02, by Jan Wolfe.
teaching reading with phonics, 3/23/02, by barbara.
Ellen Tebbits by Beverly Cleary , 3/22/02, by Jayne Ameri.
Age Discrimination, 3/20/02, by Daren Jack.
Teaching the saying of words, not reading, with phonics, 3/17/02, by Georgia Hedrick.
publishing, 3/07/02, by stewart e brekke.
Post secondary Education, 3/05/02, by Shanks Seetharam.
Teaching Reading with Phonics, 3/04/02, by Marilyn Rebert.