Letters to the Editor...
Parent Accountability
The least that parents should be accountable for is to make sure their children attend school every day and check their book bags and homework each night (or if they work nights, first thing in the morning). I have heard of a school district in my state that made parents sign a contract to this effect. I don't think that legally any thing has been done to parents that haven't held up the agreement. I do know that my school district has taken parents to court for not sending their children to school. The family in my school that this happened to was prosecuted and will face some consequences if her children do not have a doctor's note as an excuse. I agree with Cato in that children do much better with parent support. I have seen this countless times in my 17 years of teaching. I think that all parents should have to sign an agreement stating that they will at least send their children to school every day, unless really ill and at least talk with their children about their homework (I have had parents that can't read and therefore could not help with homework). There should be mandatory parenting classes for parents that can not do these small, significant tasks for their children.
Julie, Jbeebe@irsd.k12.de.us,
This month's letters:
Accountability, 1/31/02, by keccles.
Accountability, 1/26/02, by Margaret.
Parent Accountability, 1/24/02, by Lori.
Accountability, 1/24/02, by Keccles.
Accountability, 1/19/02, by Whitebeard.
Proven Research, 1/09/02, by Kara Sherfick.
Keccles, 1/08/02, by Stacy.
Parent Accountability, 1/08/02, by Marilyn Treuil.
school auction, 1/08/02, by ginger taylor /canaan elementary pto.
Parent Accountability, 1/07/02, by Bill Page.
Accountability, 1/07/02, by Keccles.
It's about time we make them accountable!, 1/06/02, by Mkocar.
Do we need them to be accountable?, 1/06/02, by Stacy.
Parent Accountability, 1/06/02, by Little John.
Parent accountability; teacher responsibility, 1/06/02, by Bill Page.
Parent Accountability - the overachiever, 1/05/02, by Don.
Parent accountability, 1/05/02, by Doodah.
Parent Accountability, 1/05/02, by Jacque/WA/K-1.
Parent accountability, 1/05/02, by Bill T.
parent accountability, 1/05/02, by sandy m.s..
Parent accountability, 1/05/02, by JoAnn.
Parent Accountability, 1/05/02, by a middle school teacher.
Parent Accountability, 1/05/02, by another 5th grade teacher.
Parent Accountability, 1/05/02, by Julie.
No tax rebate, surcharge them, or tuition refund incentive, 1/05/02, by George.
parent accountability, 1/05/02, by jen.
Parent accountability, 1/05/02, by MaryBeth.
Parent accountability, 1/05/02, by cato.