Letters to the Editor...
Parent Accountability
When dealing with a "raw material" such as human being, we cannot expect a "standard" parent, anymore than we can expect a "standard" student. Every situation is different. What I would hope for, if it were a perfect world, are children who are clean, fed, and rested before they come into my class. This would give me a fighting chance to do my job well. But what can you do when Susie slept on the bench of a booth in a bar because Mom had to work till 2:30, or Johnny couldn't sleep because Mom and/or Dad came in drunk and kept him awake all night agruing (or worse). Accountability? The playing field isn't anywhere near even. Even my accountability as a teacher is threatened by how these children spend their time out of class. All that can be done is to take each child where you find them, and take them as far as they can go. We have to make school a positive time for them, possibly the only positive thing in their lives.
Little John
This month's letters:
Accountability, 1/31/02, by keccles.
Accountability, 1/26/02, by Margaret.
Parent Accountability, 1/24/02, by Lori.
Accountability, 1/24/02, by Keccles.
Accountability, 1/19/02, by Whitebeard.
Proven Research, 1/09/02, by Kara Sherfick.
Keccles, 1/08/02, by Stacy.
Parent Accountability, 1/08/02, by Marilyn Treuil.
school auction, 1/08/02, by ginger taylor /canaan elementary pto.
Parent Accountability, 1/07/02, by Bill Page.
Accountability, 1/07/02, by Keccles.
It's about time we make them accountable!, 1/06/02, by Mkocar.
Do we need them to be accountable?, 1/06/02, by Stacy.
Parent Accountability, 1/06/02, by Little John.
Parent accountability; teacher responsibility, 1/06/02, by Bill Page.
Parent Accountability - the overachiever, 1/05/02, by Don.
Parent accountability, 1/05/02, by Doodah.
Parent Accountability, 1/05/02, by Jacque/WA/K-1.
Parent accountability, 1/05/02, by Bill T.
parent accountability, 1/05/02, by sandy m.s..
Parent accountability, 1/05/02, by JoAnn.
Parent Accountability, 1/05/02, by a middle school teacher.
Parent Accountability, 1/05/02, by another 5th grade teacher.
Parent Accountability, 1/05/02, by Julie.
No tax rebate, surcharge them, or tuition refund incentive, 1/05/02, by George.
parent accountability, 1/05/02, by jen.
Parent accountability, 1/05/02, by MaryBeth.
Parent accountability, 1/05/02, by cato.