Letters to the Editor...
Parent accountability; teacher responsibility
Whether students have four, two, one or no parents; Whether they are reared by grandparents, relatives or siblings; Whether they have 16 brothers and sisters, plus halves and live-in cousins; Whether they live in a house, apartment, shelter or station wagon; Whether they have clean clothes, good hygienic habits, good manners; Whether they speak English, sign language or no language; Whether they are challenged visually, physically or mentally; Whether they have good interpersonal skills, social skills or study skills; Whether they are underachievers, over achievers or non-achievers; Whether their personality, character, religious beliefs are to our liking; Whether their parents are literate, retarded or English speaking; makes no difference to educators. Given laws of the universe (over which we have no control); Given our inalienable rights (after all, you can't shoot them); Given a hierarchy of government from federal to local; Given the laws governing education; Given rules, policies, procedures, tradition, etc; It can all be summed up in five words: We get what we get! Parents get the kids they get. Kids get the parents they get, (Or the life they get without parents) School districts get the families they get. Individual schools get the families they get. Teachers get the students they get. Everyone involved works within the parameters of the laws, rules, and responsibilities; and even within what happens outside of those parameters: We get what we get. We accept our kids and we teach them. We use whatever resources we have. If the parents are good resources, we use them. If they are not, we do it without them. Within the mandates, mission, goals, strategic planning, curriculum and educational policies, we take kids where they are and we teach them, unconditionally. We teach them whatever is required within the policies. If they lack manners we teach them manners; If they lack study skills and prerequisite knowledge, or home resources, we teach them what they lack. If they lack adequate visual and auditory capability, we teach them alternative methods Our job is to teach the kids we have. Not those we used to have Not those we would like to have Not those we dream about Not those who are like us when we were students Not those wear clean clothes Not those who speak English, and Not those who have responsible parents; All students, right now. Bill Page
Bill Page, billpage@bellsouth.net,
This month's letters:
Accountability, 1/31/02, by keccles.
Accountability, 1/26/02, by Margaret.
Parent Accountability, 1/24/02, by Lori.
Accountability, 1/24/02, by Keccles.
Accountability, 1/19/02, by Whitebeard.
Proven Research, 1/09/02, by Kara Sherfick.
Keccles, 1/08/02, by Stacy.
Parent Accountability, 1/08/02, by Marilyn Treuil.
school auction, 1/08/02, by ginger taylor /canaan elementary pto.
Parent Accountability, 1/07/02, by Bill Page.
Accountability, 1/07/02, by Keccles.
It's about time we make them accountable!, 1/06/02, by Mkocar.
Do we need them to be accountable?, 1/06/02, by Stacy.
Parent Accountability, 1/06/02, by Little John.
Parent accountability; teacher responsibility, 1/06/02, by Bill Page.
Parent Accountability - the overachiever, 1/05/02, by Don.
Parent accountability, 1/05/02, by Doodah.
Parent Accountability, 1/05/02, by Jacque/WA/K-1.
Parent accountability, 1/05/02, by Bill T.
parent accountability, 1/05/02, by sandy m.s..
Parent accountability, 1/05/02, by JoAnn.
Parent Accountability, 1/05/02, by a middle school teacher.
Parent Accountability, 1/05/02, by another 5th grade teacher.
Parent Accountability, 1/05/02, by Julie.
No tax rebate, surcharge them, or tuition refund incentive, 1/05/02, by George.
parent accountability, 1/05/02, by jen.
Parent accountability, 1/05/02, by MaryBeth.
Parent accountability, 1/05/02, by cato.