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Caregiver was late and I needed a ton of groceries (because weekday caregiver is on vacation all next week), so I only got to walk for an hour. Better than nothing.

I'm a little worried about my weight because I won't be able to walk next week and I'm downright terrible at housewalking. Fingers crossed.

How is your Sunday?
Bev-MI Late breakfast out and flower shopping. Now to get them in the ground before the rain comes! Do you have a sub. caretaker or will you be back on full time duty? I know taking time for ourselves is hard but necessary. Hugs!
May 28, 2017
Elaine/ret/IN This was yesterday's post. I couldn't get it up last night--tried every way backward and forward and two devices. No go.

Good for you, Men. You even had 2 sightings (I miss Steps and Shuffle). Cool that the cars backed up for the creatures. You're moving! We finished the rummage sale today--good sale, though I didn't work much. I did get s...See More
May 28, 2017
Elaine/ret/IN Here is my post for today. Judy, you'll miss your walking--mentally and physically. Do you have a good supply of books stacked up? Including some that will raise your heart rate?

Oh, Bev, we've really had showers/downpours to work around during spring, 2017, haven't we? Hope your goal was achieved today.

9676 steps on the pedomete...See More
May 28, 2017

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