4 Blocks
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    Traci K. Kramer
    A Research Paper
    Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the
    Requirements for the
    Master of Science Degree
    With a Major in
    Approved: 2 Sem...See More

    I thought I saw on one website about a poetry book
    published by 4 blocks of poetry for 2nd grade (not the 1st
    grade book). Does anyone know if I'm imagining this and
    whyere I cab go to find it again - - - and if it's worth
    thr money?

    What did you mean by the mysterious 4th year?? I thought
    we would be done with RF after next school year. Do the
    teachers get to have any say in extending this? I know we
    had to all sign an agreement that we were on board with RF
    before we could get the grant (little did we know what was
    in store for us)...See More
    brad /blockquote>

    There were 5 RF schools in my district. After the third
    year, there was an extension given for one final year (last
    year), but I can't remember if it was for all five, or just a
    few. I'm sorry, but I don't know if teachers had a say in
    the matter or not. From my understanding, though, they
    didn't have a ...See More
    Jan 3, 2008

    Thursday, January 3, 2008

    Log on to the Teachers.Net Meeting Room 9:00-10:00 pm ET
    this evening to discuss primary literacy topics.

    To participate, click on the Meeting Room link below (or on
    the "Meetings" link at the top of any Teachers.Net page).
    Scroll down and click on "Enter Chatroom." ...See More

    What do you do when you have kids at a MUCH lower level
    during guided reading?

    I have had kids who were at a somewhat lower level (like,
    2.5 or beginning 3rd during mid third) and found the 4
    blocks strategies worked well. I would let them partner
    read or read with me in a small group while others read...See More
    Sara /blockquote>

    Having another kid read to her isn't going to bring on a case of over-reliance
    and if you could make that happen without embarrassing her,it's a good
    solution. Talk to her - explain that you'd like to go on reading to her yourself
    and you still will on ___________ (Fridays?) but that you'd like to have an assist...See More
    Jan 7, 2008

    Dear Friends,
    Has anyone made or know where I can locate a poster of
    the "Goldilocks" strategy for "just rght books to read
    independently? I teach first grade and would love to have
    a poster with graphics for "too easy" "just right"
    and "too hard"
    Thanks so much for replying if you know where I can fin...See More
    view previous comments
    btm/2 /blockquote>

    [link removed]

    If this doesn't work, maybe you can go to the website and find it under media. It's
    listed under _____ ________ activities.

    I'm trying!

    On 1/10/08, btm/2 wrote:
    > Scroll down about 1/3 of the way til you find Goldilocks. We'll see if it works this
    >...See More
    Jan 10, 2008
    sparrow WI /blockquote>

    None of your links or addresses worked for me, BUT
    I did find:
    [link removed]

    > This is a word document of a poster I found when I googled "Goldilocks strategy -
    > just right books". In case the link doesnt work:
    > [link removed]?
    Jan 26, 2008

    Does anyone have some activities etc. for Stephanie's
    Ponytail by Robert Munsch?
    Sylvia /blockquote>

    On 1/12/08, mamoore wrote:
    > Does anyone have some activities etc. for Stephanie's
    > Ponytail by Robert Munsch?

    I use Stephanie's Ponytail to teach character traits to
    grades 1-3. As you read aloud you can bring out traits such
    as different, proud, and angry. I model writing in response
    to...See More
    Jan 26, 2008
    Debra Renner Smith (deb) /blockquote>

    On 1/26/08, Sylvia wrote:
    > On 1/12/08, mamoore wrote:
    >> Does anyone have some activities etc. for Stephanie's
    >> Ponytail by Robert Munsch?
    > I use Stephanie's Ponytail to teach character traits to
    > grades 1-3. As you read aloud you can bring out traits such
    > as di...See More
    Jan 26, 2008

    Anyone out there in 4th or 5th grade who would be wiling
    chat about big blocks.
    If you ar

    Anyone out there in 4th or 5th grade who would be wiling
    chat about big blocks.
    If you are in primary and know someone let them know I am
    looking for some communicate with.
    Thanks Ruby
    Jessica /blockquote>

    I have a 3/4 class and use a combo of big and 4 blocks...our whole school will start
    using 4 blocks and six traits starting next year.

    email if you want

    On 1/15/08, Ruby wrote:
    > Anyone out there in 4th or 5th grade who would be wiling
    > chat about big blocks.
    > If you are in primar...See More
    Jan 16, 2008

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