4 Blocks
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    I need someone who would be willing to guide me through
    setting up Four-Blocks in my classroom!! I guess you could
    say, a mentor. I am a 3rd grade teacher at a public school
    in Georgia. My school does NOT have any literacy program
    that is mandated by our system. I really like FB and I'm
    truly excited to imple...See More
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    deb /blockquote>

    you've gotten great advice for books. I made sure my kids read
    daily doing a similar idea for gathering books.

    I also used a to z to make books - I taught my second graders
    how to make their own books. It worked great.

    I used scholastic magazine

    i used weekly reader

    I used nationa...See More
    Aug 2, 2007
    dc /blockquote>

    I subscribe to Cricket, Spider, and Ladybug Magazines. They cost
    about 35.00 a year for one copy. But then I will copy the
    wonderful stories out of them to read and discuss together for
    guided reading.
    Aug 7, 2007

    I'm going back to first grade after a few years, different
    school. Last time I taught first I had saxon letter tile
    cards for each child to keep at their desk. I don't have
    that this time. I'm thinking of just cutting index cards
    up to make letter tiles for each child. Anybody still do
    making words activ...See More
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    Dawn/FL /blockquote>

    If you don't mind spending a little of your own money, the
    Carson Dellosa letters are really great. I've been using
    the same sets for six years now. They have big letters
    too. Dawn/FL

    On 7/30/07, Liz wrote:
    > I'm going back to first grade after a few years, different
    > school. Last time I ...See More
    Aug 1, 2007
    rhonda/1st /blockquote>

    Regarding envelopes to take home. I have used regular copy
    paper, you could also use construction paper, and make my own
    by folding up about 2/3 of the way, staple on each side, and
    then fold the other 1/3 down. I have the kids put their names
    on them, and they bring them back and forth in their MOOSE
    bi...See More
    Aug 19, 2007

    I'm going back to first grade, in a new state. I loved 4
    blocks. I used it in SC. Now I'm on the west coast, and
    it's been a few years. 4 blocks doesn't seem to be as
    popular anymore. I still want to use several aspects of
    it. Anybody have a schedule for a typical day? Thanks!
    deb /blockquote>

    Guess it depends where you are. It is popular around here.

    On 8/01/07, deb wrote:
    school starts 8:20
    > 8:30-9:00 phonics instruction (includes spelling)
    > 9:00-9:40 writing instruction
    > 9:40-9:55 bathroom break (had to, no choice out of room)
    > 9:55-10:45 Guided reading - Comprehension ...See More
    Aug 2, 2007

    I want to start my school year out by talking about
    teamwork as our building is doing a school-wide theme on
    sports. I need help in coming up with books to read that
    go along with teamwork. Please help.
    C Westman /blockquote>

    On 8/03/07, Denice wrote:
    > I want to start my school year out by talking about
    > teamwork as our building is doing a school-wide theme on
    > sports. I need help in coming up with books to read that
    > go along with teamwork. Please help.
    check out Beth Newingham's website and scholasti...See More
    Aug 9, 2007

    I'm just about sold on trying Four Blocks this year, but I
    have a muiti age classroom Some first some second. How
    would I do the guided reading block with such a range in
    reading ability? The independent reading will be a cinch,
    but how to cover all kiddos with one lesson, from which
    Any sugge...See More
    jessica /blockquote>

    I also teach a multiage (2/3/4) and find that guided reading is the hardest
    block. I have had to adapt the program, both for making words and guided

    -For making words, the 5 word wall words a week were not working well for me
    (wow, look at that alliteration!) anway, I ended up doing 5 individu...See More
    Aug 9, 2007
    Crystal On 8/06/07, Pat wrote: > I'm just about sold on trying Four Blocks this year, but I > have a muiti age classroom Some first some second. How > would I do the guided reading block with such a range in > reading ability? The independent reading will be a cinch, > but how to cover all kiddos with one lesson, from which > basal? > ...See More
    Jun 29, 2008

    Do the nifty fifty and the frequently misspelled words go
    on the word wall?

    TIA for your input

    I am looking for a 0-6 point student friendly writing
    rubric for second grade. I want my students to be able to
    use it to reflect on their writing, as well as myself to
    give grades. Dawn/FL

    Well, we returned to school today and this is how
    mandatory PE will be handled at my school. Our PE teacher
    will double up classes twice a week. On the other days,
    the classroom teacher will be responsibile for providing
    PE. We have been dictated a time in our schedule to do
    this and this will be a struc...See More
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    Joann Nash /blockquote>

    On 4/19/08, Dawn/FL wrote:
    > Keith, isn't it ironic that our governor passed this law and then
    > budget cuts would be made so that it can't be implemented. I
    > totally agree that students need physical education. My issue was
    > the governor mandating how much, therefore, cutting into my
    > ...See More
    Apr 21, 2008
    Joann Nash /blockquote>

    On 4/19/08, Dawn/FL wrote:
    > Keith, isn't it ironic that our governor passed this law and then
    > budget cuts would be made so that it can't be implemented. I
    > totally agree that students need physical education. My issue was
    > the governor mandating how much, therefore, cutting into my
    > ...See More
    Apr 21, 2008

    Several years ago I printed a book mark with fix up
    strategies on it. I can no longer find it. Does anyone have
    the web site?
    view previous comments
    dianebanman /blockquote>

    Perhaps Readinglady.com is not the place to find these bookmarks.
    I will look when I go back to school next week, and I'll let you

    On 8/20/07, Diane wrote:
    > Diane 2
    > Readinglady may be the place but where do I find the book marks
    > on her site?
    > Thanks Diane
    >...See More
    Aug 21, 2007
    paula /blockquote>

    I found these, is this what you wanted?

    Sep 16, 2007

    If you haven't heard of this and you teach primary, check
    it out. There are decoding and comprehension bookmarks,
    posters, and charts that you can print out.

    [link removed]


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