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What did you mean by the mysterious 4th year?? I thought
we would be done with RF after next school year. Do the
teachers get to have any say in extending this? I know we
had to all sign an agreement that we were on board with RF
before we could get the grant (little did we know what was
in store for us). Our principal and RF reading coach have
both mentioned an extension but when I try to get an
explanation as to what is required for this , they get
very vague and play dumb. Please give me any knowledge
that you have about this 4th year so I can give the other
teachers a "heads up" about how to avoid this. None of us
are happy with RF (even though we do see some positive
aspects of it)because we have very little autonomy in our
classrooms. Thanks in advance.
brad /blockquote>

There were 5 RF schools in my district. After the third
year, there was an extension given for one final year (last
year), but I can't remember if it was for all five, or just a
few. I'm sorry, but I don't know if teachers had a say in
the matter or not. From my understanding, though, they
didn't have a ...See More
Jan 3, 2008

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