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Okay, it is that time of the year, when all of the words
are up on the Word Wall, so everyday is now a review.

Can't figure out what I must have done last year, so this
year I feel like I am re-inventing again.

Would someone at the second grade level just give me a
week's worth of what words they reviewed and what they did
for On the Back after all the words are up on the wall?

For instance, "kicked" is on the Wall. Could I
review "kicking" instead or do I have to reserve that for
the On the Back Lesson?

Here is the problem, last year I would have the students
come up and write the "reviewed" word on the whiteboard in
front of the class. Then, we would "cheer" using a cheer
chosen by that student. However, this Fall the RF
Evaluators (I mean Observers) wanted me to spend less time
and start using a yardstick to point to the word being
reviewed. I HATED this SUGGESTION, but I ha...See More
still waiting for an example, not just a website to browse /blockquote>

On 3/22/08, KathyB2ndIA wrote:
> Okay, it is that time of the year, when all of the words
> are up on the Word Wall, so everyday is now a review.
> Can't figure out what I must have done last year, so this
> year I feel like I am re-inventing again.
> Would someone at the ...See More
Mar 29, 2008
brad /blockquote>

I'm not sure what you mean for "examples?" What we did when we
were reviewing the words? well, I'm not sure we did anything
different than we did when introducing the words. We clapped,
chanted, wrote the five word wall words on front. Sometimes I
chose them based on student writing errors or convenient
...See More
Mar 29, 2008

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