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I am a student at Austin Peay State University in Clarksville, TN. When I was a litte girl my mother and I took some sign language classes. I enjoyed those classes. I remember even now some sign lanuage. I moved to a new church and we started a drama team and we did sign language to many of our songs. I enjoy signing. I was wondering if there might be any classes I could take near me (Clarksville, Dickson, Ashland City, Nashville, etc) Or is there any website I can look at to get more information or classes.

Thank you, Mary Beth
Rita Hi Mary Beth, you can take the online class at Saddleback College. It is 4 units, it takes 8 weeks and is trasferable to any other college/university. Good luck!!

On 2/09/11, Mary Beth Cannon wrote: > I am a student at Austin Peay State University in > Clarksville, TN. When I was a litte girl my mother and I > took some sign langu...See More
May 15, 2011

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