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Hi, my name is BooYoon, from Korea. I am studying Special Education at Brigham Young University Hawaii. In my Special Education 200 class, I was assigned to give presentation about Hearing Loss and I was facinated by sign language interpreters. From my research about American Sign Language interpreters, I noticed that there are not many ASL interpreters for the Deaf in school throughout the US. I think this website is very good for communiation between ASL teachers in school. I can see there are lots of useful sources regarding ASL and school education.

vince On 4/10/09, BooYoon wrote: > Hi, my name is BooYoon, from Korea. > I am studying Special Education at Brigham Young > University Hawaii. > In my Special Education 200 class, I was assigned to give > presentation about Hearing Loss and I was facinated by > sign language interpreters. From my research about > American Sign Langua...See More
Jun 15, 2009

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