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A new online program for students has just surfaced. ASLdeafined is a program for anyone to learn sign language, including you and your students. Some of the features of ASLdeafined are:

1. Themed Lessons 2. Skill building activities and retention exercises 3. Personalized progress chart 4. Customizable dictionary and vocabulary bank 5. Deaf Culture and tips 6. Much, Much more

If you have any questions about [link removed].

All the Best,

another ASL teacher While much may be accomplished through on-line learning, the fact remains that ASL is a language that is spatial in orientation. The mere angle of a hand might change the meaning and intent of the word or concept signed. Real-time corrections between students and teacher, especially in terms of hand orientation and shaping letters, is also of great...See More
Aug 18, 2009
this is an ADVERTISEMENT On 8/18/09, another ASL teacher wrote: > > While much may be accomplished through on-line learning, the > fact remains that ASL is a language that is spatial in > orientation. The mere angle of a hand might change the > meaning and intent of the word or concept signed. Real-time > corrections between students and teacher, especia...See More
Sep 4, 2009

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