What do the two letter codes mean in Block 10 of one's SF 50? DoDEA has me at "CG" - Corporate Grade. The Kunsan job requires a "GG" code as one of two Eligibilities I qualify for on the job application. The job was only open for two days -- the shortest I have seen in all my federal employments. I made the deadline and am waiting for the review to see if I understood all the eligibility questions.
In October, the base conducted their second ...See MoreThis has been a most interesting time for me in my post-federal retirement journey with DoDEA. Other "rehired-retired" teachers at my school receive their SS Pension and their FERS Pension -- both of which increase every year as present inflated salaries replace lower salaries in previous years.
In October, the base conducted their second NEO (Non-combatant Evacuation Order) in many a year. Then we have the semi-regular NK missile launches over Japan. Then the National US Emergency Broadcast 10/4 (which activated for my friends' smartphones in South America -- but not on US smartphones in Japan). The Gaza invasion of Israel and multiple nations declaring their allegiances with several nations legally declaring war.
The result has been teachers preparing to leave for stateside and DoDEA openings being announced. Teachers' written intentions to leave or stay are due now. This is a really good time to be in the DoDEA EAS system and have your USAJOBS application ready to send upon receiving a daily Job Agent email from USAJOBS. True, the USAJOBS application will point you to the DoDEA EAS system, but as my current DoDEA job proves, I was direct hired without even an interview. Sometimes the USG is desperate to fill positions.
hahaThis from the gov't website. It should allow you to enter the information about your situation and get an accurate idea of the COLA you will/would receive.
Does anyone have insights into Patch MS or more generally USAG Stuttgart, Germany? Is it possible to reside within walking distance? Can teachers reside on base? The base website states that certain dog breeds are not allowed - I suspect that the German Shepherd Dog is allowed - right? Thank you!
How much cash-on-hand should one have to comfortably relocate to a DODEA position overseas? I have been researching and learned that many expenses are reimbursed, but what would be a reasonable dollar amount to have 'socked' away for up-front relocation expenses?
I hope and pra...See Morehaha, thank you for what you do on these chatboards --- you provide a lot of substantive information that has helped people like me to begin their journey with DoDEA.
I loved my four years in Japan (Iwakuni), and would still be there were it not for pressing family matters that required my attention in the States.
I hope and pray that what you have heard/read can be chalked up to exaggeration or isolated experiences, but I will steel my resolve in preparation for the accuracy of your statement. Either way, thanks for taking the time to respond. Enjoy your summer!
Be methodical, save all paperwork, and never, ever rely on the advice given by HQ.
HQ can point you in the right direction, but they can't deal with the difficult questions. They are not experts, and have no intention of becoming experts. It's important that you take the lead on this issue and that you become the expert.
Does your spouse have a current passport? Have you checked the expiration date? Is it going to expire in the near future? I assume it's the latest machine-readable, biometric passport, issued since 2016.
Where are you in the process? Have you received orders? Have you contacted the Passport Office at HQ to get the latest UK visa advice that they are sharing with DoDEA employees?
JayThank you so much. I received another interview request from South Korea. I am wondering how the pay is there and if you receive COLA etc. I am thinking the USD goes much further.
I am a new applicant to DODEA and have been approved for prek-3rd grade. I have received multiple invitations to interview from different schools and I've accepted the interviews (1 completed, 4 scheduled).
It looks like I missed a very important piece of information:
"If you decline a Full-time, Permanent offer of employment, you will be removed from consideration for employment as an educator for the remainder of the school year, unless there is a critical need for services as determined by DoDEA."
As I have been offered invitations to interview at several schools I wanted to make sure I fully understand the implications of the highlighted information. If I have five interviews scheduled and am offered the position at my first school, am I required to accept that position or forego a position with DODEA for the entire 2023-24 school year? Or am I able to continue to interview with all the schools and choose which of the schools I want to work with if I receive more than one offer? Can you also inform me whether this applies to "tentative offers", "official offers", or either?
I sent an email to HR asking just that but I have interviews coming up in the next couple of days and am worried that if I interview and receive an offer I will have to take it or miss out on working with DODEA this coming year.
Please let me know if you have any information! Thanks!!
tw12@Kezia I have a bachelors in Early Childhood Education with a SPED endorsement, an associates in Child Development, and an associates in Psychology. I am also expecting to finish my masters program this July.
tw12@Kezia I have a bachelors in Early Childhood Education with a SPED endorsement, an associates in Child Development, and an associates in Psychology. I am also expecting to finish my masters program this July.
It's a paygrade.
Salary Schedule C
Salary Lane G