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Is anyone else struggling with their family (parents) not being supportive of this opportunity? No matter what I say, I can't convince my parents this is a good opportunity for me, even after explaining how my salary nearly doubles with the LQA and raise I would get. I know I'm a grownup who makes her own decisions and hasn't lived with my parents for years, but its so hard to not have support for something like this. Can anyone relate?
TeacherMama K in Daegu Yes, before I started the process my mom was all for it. "You'll get to travel!" But once I got an interview on South Korea all of a sudden she didn't think I should do it. I think it isn't a choice she would make bc she would be too scared to try. She will come around. And even if she doesn't? I know it is a great opportunity for me.
Mar 30, 2017
onthemove I think, especially for aging parents, that it is just hard to think of you being so far away and they likely worry about your safety. Their knowledge of overseas places may be rooted in very different times (too many MASH episodes?) Don't pass up a great opportunity - they'll get on board once they see how happy you are overseas. I set up skype fo...See More
Mar 30, 2017
haha It's fairly common. The vast majority of Americans never leave the continental US and have a very difficult time comprehending how anyone could want to live anywhere else. In our case my spouses parents were deceased and my parents had a military background so they were very familiar with the desire to live abroad and have different experiences (an...See More
Mar 30, 2017
angel Can definitely relate. I told my mother last year that I was applying. She said she hoped I didn't get it. Thanks Mom! I think it's mostly because I'm a single female. Also, possibly because my top choice is Japan. If it were another country... she probably still wouldn't want me to do it but Japan is a NO NO.

She didn't like that I went t...See More
Mar 30, 2017

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