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Sorry for the repeat question. I don't see a search feature anywhere on this page.

What is the highest step a teacher can enter in the DOD for both stateside and overseas? Thanks.
Bike Grrrl 11 years. By the way, there's no search here but if you search google with this domain you can find a lot of stuff that way.
Feb 8, 2018
haha Stateside, 5 years is the max credit you can get and you start at Step 0, so Step 5 is the highest step you can be hired at. Overseas, 10 years is the max credit you can get and everyone starts on Step 1 so Step 11 is the highest step you can be hired at.
Feb 8, 2018
HelpOthers haha is correct and the American Territories (Guam and Puerto Rico) are on the same schedule as the Americas, so step 5. When you switch from one area to the other your position will go up or down if you start with more than 5 years of experience.
Feb 22, 2018

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