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Hi There! What are the most sought after SPED authorizations in your experience within DODEA? I am considering adding an endorsement, but want to know which one would be most beneficial in obtaining a job with DODEA. My EAS app currently has me qualified for "Disabled Preschool" and "Elementary Mild Learning Impairment". Would ELL, GATE, or Autism be a more sought after authorization? Any other suggestions in your experiences. Thanks very much!
Cookie DoDEA is saturated with people who hold ESOL endorsements and are looking for a position. There will be turnover in GATE because the new program is challenging. I've seen openings in mild to moderate. I would add one of these: PSCD, speech, autism, and severe.
Jan 15, 2020
haha Disabled Preschool is a good area to have (and should include PSCD, unless I'm missing something).. If you have ES Mild Learning Impairment, you should also have it in MS and HS, since it should be the same requirements. I would definitely check into that as it would open up many schools/positions for you (presuming you would be interested in teach...See More
Jan 15, 2020
Mullinzo Yes, haha, Disabled Preschool is the cert needed for PSCD. It looks like I'm 7 unites short of the SPED Assessor cert and my Moderate to Severe cert is still pending approval. Thank you both for the insights. I appreciate it.
Jan 15, 2020
Mullinzo Yes, haha, Disabled Preschool is the cert needed for PSCD. It looks like I'm 7 unites short of the SPED Assessor cert and my Moderate to Severe cert is still pending approval. Thank you both for the insights. I appreciate it.
Jan 15, 2020
Cookie Assessor is a good one!
Jan 16, 2020

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