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I interviewed for a position on Thursday. I was just informed that my references have been contacted. Is this a good sign, or is this just part of the process?
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Evelyn Mrs. Rose, I did not receive any follow up contact. I thought it was promising because I already had references on file, so the fact that the principal sent those requests right after my interview gave me hope. I am sure they havr offered someone else the position by now.
Jul 9, 2020
Evelyn MrsRose, I did not receive any follow up contact. I thought it was promising because I already had references on file, so the fact that the principal sent those requests right after my interview gave me hope. I am sure they have offered someone else the position by now.
Jul 9, 2020
IsItFriday? @Evelyn

It's time for you to shake the tree. Phone, or email, or both. But it's time for you to find out if that position has been filled. If you're still interested. If you're not interested, then drop it, and move on.
Jul 10, 2020
Evelyn IsItFriday?, thank you. I have contacted HR, and the position has been filled.
Jul 16, 2020
IsItFriday? Too Evelyn. Better luck next time.

I dislike this new procedure in which HR check the references of a whole bunch of people. It relies on bothering a whole bunch of people who don't have skin in the game, and who may be tired of answering the reference checks when you actually are the leading contender.

I feel that if they have a ...See More
Jul 16, 2020

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