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Hello. About to sign a finalized offer for Misawa Japan. Any thoughts regarding housing, cars and 2 cats?
haha Welcome aboard! It's a beautiful area (but then again, I've only ever been there in the fall :D).

Cars, you generally can't bring one in the Japan except in special circumstances and/or without spending more money than it is worth.

Cats, there are rules and hoops to jump through but it can be done. There is a lot of information ou...See More
Jul 28, 2021
Icanread There is a Facebook group dedicated to bringing pets into Japan. Also, I believe most housing in Misawa, even for teachers, is on base. You will gets lots of snow!
Jul 29, 2021
Icanread The Facebook group is "Flying Pets Okinawa/Japan". It's for anyone bringing pets into Japan, not just Okinawa.

The advice for any new teacher going to any location is to make sure that the location is somewhere you would be willing to stay in for quite a few years, as there are very few opportunities to move to a new location.
Jul 29, 2021
HelpOthers You will likely fly into Yokota Air Base or fly into Tokyo and have to ROM at Yokota, so maybe find the Yokota Pet PCS Facebook Page.
Jul 29, 2021
2cats @haha, @icanread and @helpothers Thank you for you help and guidance!! I now have a good place to start my research for my cats and housing.
Jul 29, 2021

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