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I have been trying to think of an after school gate enrichment course to teach this year, grades 4-6. Last year, another teacher and I taught art/art history. The sixth graders left, but the other kids are still here and I would like to offer them something different. Past classes at our school have also included the stock market and movie making. I just seem at a loss of ideas, can anyone help?
Janette Some options:

*writing or putting on a play *countries of the Winter Olympics *knights and medieval times *Shakespeare *science fair *Latin and Greek roots *other foreign language
Aug 16, 2009
LbP Aztecs, Greek myths, poetry, sculpture, robotics, electonics, make a documentary, web page design
Aug 20, 2009
kevin On 8/16/09, cherya wrote: > I have been trying to think of an after school gate > enrichment course to teach this year, grades 4-6. Last > year, another teacher and I taught art/art history. The > sixth graders left, but the other kids are still here and I > would like to offer them something different. Past classes > at our schoo...See More
Aug 21, 2009
kevin On 8/16/09, cherya wrote: > I have been trying to think of an after school gate > enrichment course to teach this year, grades 4-6. Last > year, another teacher and I taught art/art history. The > sixth graders left, but the other kids are still here and I > would like to offer them something different. Past classes > at our schoo...See More
Aug 21, 2009

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