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First of all I am a teacher but also a mom and divorced. My children are with their abusive father because he has more money. This is not the place to debate my divorce. I retain equal managerial legal custody. The only superiority he has is the roof over their heads per legal documents. My ex is an abuser of the highest order with extreme intelligence. In the past 5 years he has moved into 4 different states and school districts and each time I have to approach the Principal, get them to actually recieve an entire true copy of the divorce degree, suggest they show all 100 pages to their legal department before establishing that yes I have the exact same education rights as my ex. At this point I find out that he has filled out paperwork detailing he has sole custody and made false statments that his wife has legal guardianship as well. Of course by then he and his wife have filled the heads of normally intelligent people with stories of my wild psychotic breaks with reality and that I...See More
cavey You should contact the gifted coordinator of the school division to seek their help.

On 8/15/10, Mom and teacher wrote: > First of all I am a teacher but also a mom and divorced. > My children are with their abusive father because he has > more money. This is not the place to debate my divorce. I > retain equal managerial lega...See More
Aug 21, 2010

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