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From the National Association of School Psychologists:

Flexible grouping can also be a positive learning strategy, when it is not over used. Homogeneous grouping by skill level has been demonstrated to be effective for instruction in the areas of mathematics and reading (Marzano, Pickering , & Pollack, 2001). Three keys to flexible grouping are using it sparingly, monitoring student progress closely, and allowing for the continual remixing of assigned groups. This allows students to move between smaller homogenous skill- based groups and then back to larger heterogeneous groups for creative and problem solving activities. Flexible grouping surrounding student skills and across age grouping allows students performing at various levels to share their combined areas of knowledge and strength (Marzano, Pickering, & Pollock, 2001). If utilized effectively and in a sensitive manner, the method of flexible grouping does not have to carry a negative stigma for the learner (Ti...See More

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