I am planning to do component 2 and 3. I have read the standards but still am confused how to start activities and writings when school begins. Kindly advise
Melissa KStart with the directions. Examine what you are being asked to do, and look at the prompts that you will need to discuss in your written commentary. Start thinking about how these things already fit with what you do, and what tweaking you can do to make it stronger.
whatworksI'm just now seeing this...how does it happen that you submitted in July? I don't t think you can do that. The deadline was in May, so I'm confused. Also, just to clarify, the correct acronym is NBPTS (National Board for Professional Teaching Standards).
It's my first time taking the NBTC, any advice which component I should do? I am done with component 1, but nos sure if I have to do 2,3 and 4 or it does not matter? Thanks