Do I have to block or blur out my name if it appears in a video for C3? I don't want a grader to disqualify one of my videos because it says "Mr. ______" in the background. Thanks for any and all responses.
I am trying to decide on which materials to submit for my instructional materials submission for component 3. Would it be important to send summative test information to prove why I chose this lesson or should it only be the materials I used in my teaching?
I selected Building knowledge/pedagogy in SPED for component 3, but I'm having difficulty knowing what to write about or even video/artifact. Any suggestions. Thanks. Good Luck to everyone out there!
dinakI would be interested in having a partner too for C4., my C4 will be in English as a New Language, not exactly the same area, but let's see if we can help each other out!
I am trying to decide how many components to jump into at once. I would love to get it done in one year. My hurry is not so much about the stipend as it is for DoDS employment. Is the one-year goal crazy? Is there anyone out there who has accomplished this?
Is anyone out there just starting their NB journey, or getting ready for Year 2 or even 3? What questions do you have? Will you be working on C4 this year? If so, be prepared to hit the floor running!