Accelerated Reader
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My 2nd grader scored 99% on the assessment test (and 98% in first grade so it isn't a fluke)...but fails many of the ar tests she takes. It took us a while to get to the bottom of the issue -- but my question is how to get the teachers to teach the importance of reading and comprehending vs getting a good grade on the test? They give awards each week if you get a 100% on an ar test..but no one even tells us if they get a 60% or worse...they ignore it (teachers do) until the report card comes out.

So, how do I communicate a better way to help the kids through this?
Jake Kate, great question. Really, once you tie a score to a test, it may be a common reality that the student is chaing after recognition. Whether competition, parents approval, teachers approval, etc. One idea may be to step away from "Scores". As in a Score of 100% does not lead to a reward. It leads you to the next task which may be reading your boo...See More
Oct 23, 2009
Deb ms/IA You need to look at the type of books she is reading. Instead of focusing on the 98 percent lets look at the book titles she is reading. The STAR is only a vocabulary test. It is NOT a comprehension test. So this problem may be comprehension.

So get a print out of all the books she has read this quarter. Look at the titles. Look at the bo...See More
Oct 23, 2009

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